Academic profile: Doctorate
Email: joseandres.lopez@udl.cat


Teaching Course Subject
Màster Universitari en Gestió d'Àrees de Muntanya 1 PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT TOOLS IN MOUNTAIN AREAS
Màster Universitari en Enginyeria de Forests 1 RISK MANAGEMENT IN FOREST PLANNING
Doble titulació: G. Enginyeria Forestal i G. Conservació de la Natura 1 EARTH SCIENCES
Degree in Forest Engineering 1 EARTH SCIENCES
Doble titulació: G. Enginyeria Forestal i G. Conservació de la Natura 2 INTEGRATED PRACTICES II
Degree in Forest Engineering 2 INTEGRATED PRACTICES II
Degree in Agricultural and Food Engineering 4 LAND AND LANSCAPE PLANNING


Research projects Start date End date Main researchers
Desarrollo y experimentación de un sistema de crecidas de mantenimiento en cascada con base en criterios físicos y económicos para la mejora hidrosedimentaria del bajo Ebro y sus principales afluentes 01/01/2010 31/12/2012 RAMON J. BATALLA VILLANUEVA
Dinámica morfo-sedimentaria en sistemas fluviales alterados antrópicamente: interacción entre morfología fluvial y diversidad ecológica (MorphSed) 01/01/2013 31/12/2015 DAMIAN VERICAT QUEROL
La importancia de la dinámica morfo-sedimentaria en la caracterización y evaluación del hábitat físico fluvial. Implicaciones para la gestión eficiente y perdurable de ríos 01/06/2020 31/05/2025 RAMON J. BATALLA VILLANUEVA, DAMIAN VERICAT QUEROL
Diseño y aplicación de crecidas generadoras como estrategia de reequilibrio hidro-sedimentario en rios regulados 15/10/2006 14/10/2009 RAMON J. BATALLA VILLANUEVA
Evaluación y predicción de los efectos del cambio global en la cantidad y la calidad del agua en ríos ibéricos (SCARCE) 17/12/2009 16/12/2014 RAMON J. BATALLA VILLANUEVA
Dinámica morfo-sedimentaria en ríos de montaña afectados por hidro-puntas: efectos sobre el hábitat e implicaciones para su gestión (MorphPeak) 30/12/2016 29/12/2019 RAMON J. BATALLA VILLANUEVA, DAMIAN VERICAT QUEROL
Thesis Year Direction
The sediment budget of a highly erodible catchment: the River Isábena (Ebro basin, Central Pyrenees) 2011 Batalla, Ramon J.; Vericat, Damià
Publications Year Authors Type
Relationship of weather types on the seasonal and spatial variability of rainfall, runoff and sediment yield in the western Mediterranean basin. 2020 Peña-Angulo, D., Nadal-Romero, E., González-Hidalgo, J.C., Albaladejo, J., Andreu, V., Barhi, H., Bernal, S., Biddoccu, M., Bienes, R., Campo, J., Campo-Bescos, M.A., Canatário-Duarte, A., Canton, Y., Article d'investigació
Comparison of stage/discharge rating curves derived from different recording systems: consequences for streamflow data and water management in a mediterranean island 2019 Fortesa J; García-Comendador J; Calsamiglia A; López-Tarazón J; Latron J; Alorda B; Estrany J Article d'investigació
Influences of catchment and river channel characteristics on the magnitude and dynamics of storage and re-suspension of fine sediments in river beds. 2019 Park, J.; Batalla, R.J.; Birgand, F.; Esteves, M.; Gentile, F.; Harrington, J.R.; Navartil, O.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Vericat, D. Article d'investigació
The effects of global change on floods, fluvial geomorphology and related hazards in mountainous rivers 2019 López Tarazón, J.A.; Bronstert, A.; Thieken, A.; Petrow, T. Article d'investigació
Sediment connectivity linked to vegetation using UAVs: High-resolution imagery for ecosystem management 2019 Estrany, J.; Ruiz, M.; Calsamiglia, A.; Carriquí, M.; García-Comendador, J.; Nadal, M.; Fortesa, J.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Medrano, H.; Gago, J. Article d'investigació
Spatial variability of the relationships of runoff and sediment yield with weather types throughout the Mediterranean basin 2019 Peña-Angulo, D.; Nadal-Romero, E.; González-Hidalgo, J.C.; Albaladejo, J.; Andreu, V.; Bagarello, V.; Barhi, H.; Batalla, R.J.; Bernal, S.; Bienes, R.; Campo, J.; Campo-Bescós, M.A.; Canatario, A.; Ca Article d'investigació
Water and sediment fluxes in Mediterranean mountainous regions: Comprehensive dataset for hydro-sedimentological analyses and modelling in a mesoscale catchment (River Isábena, NE Spain) 2018 Francke, T.; Foerster, S.; Brosinsky, A.; Sommerer, E.; Lopez-Tarazon, J.A.v; Güntner, A.; Batalla, R.J.; Bronstert, A. Article d'investigació
What did really improve our meso-scale hydrological model? A multi-dimensional analysis based on real observations 2018 Francke. T. Baroni, G., Brosinsky, A., Foerster, S., LópezTarazón, J.A., Sommerer, E., Bronstert, A. Article d'investigació
Accuracy Assessment of Digital Terrain Model Dataset Sources for Hydrogeomorphological Modelling in Small Mediterranean Catchments 2018 Graf L, Moreno-de-las-Heras M, Ruiz M, Calsamiglia A, García-Comendador J, Fortesa J, López-Tarazón JA, Estrany J. Article d'investigació
Forensic hydro-meteorological analysis of an extreme flash flood: The 29/05/2016 event in Braunsbach, SW Germany 2018 Bronstert, A., Agarwal, A., Boessenkool, B., Crisologo, I., Fischer, M., Heistermann, M., Köhn-Reich, L., López-Tarazón, J.A., Moran, T., Ozturk, U., Reinhardt-Imjela, C. Article d'investigació
Effects of agricultural drainage systems on sediment connectivity in a small Mediterranean lowland catchment 2018 A Calsamiglia; J. García-Comendador; J. Fortesa; J.A. López-Tarazón; S. Crema; M. Cavalli; A. Calvo-Cases; J. Estrany Article d'investigació
Rare flash floods and debris flows in southern Germany 2018 Ozturk, U., Wendi, D., Crisologo, I., Riemer, A., Agarwal, A., Vogel, K., López-Tarazón, J.A., Korup, O. Article d'investigació
Exploring suspended sediment delivery dynamics of two Mediterranean nested catchments 2017 López-Tarazón, J.A.; Estrany, J. Article d'investigació
Transfer of sediments and contaminants in catchments and rivers 2017 López-Tarazón, J.A., Byrne, P., van der Perk, M. Article d'investigació
Bed disturbance below dams: observations from two Mediterranean rivers 2017 Lobera, G., Andrés-Doménech, I., López-Tarazón, J.A., Millán-Romero, P., Vallés, F., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. Article d'investigació
Effects of flow regulation on river bed dynamics and invertebrate communities in a Mediterranean river 2017 Lobera, G.; Muñoz, I.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Vericat, R.J.; Batalla, R.J. Article d'investigació
Book of abstracts of the International Symposium on the Effects of Global Change on Floods, Fluvial Geomorphology and Related Hazards in Mountainous Rivers. 2017 López-Tarazón, J.A., Bronstert, A., Thieken, A., Petrow, T. Editor llibre d'investigació
Relation of runoff and soil erosion to weather types in the Mediterranean basin 2017 Nadal-Romero, E., Peña-Angulo, D., Weather types and Soil erosion Team Acta congrés
Assessment of the morphological evolution of a river reach by means of numerical simulation, the river Ésera in Perarrúa (Spain). 2017 Nácher-Rodríguez, B., Vallés-Morán, F.J., Lobera, G., López-Tarazón, J.A., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J Acta congrés
Effects of Global Change on Floods, Fluvial Geomorphology and Related Hazards in Mountainous Rivers 2017 López-Tarazón, J.A., Bronstert, A., Thieken, A., Petrow, T. Editor llibre d'investigació
Geomorphological evolution of a river reach after a high intense gravel-mining operation 2017 López-Tarazón, J.A., Lobera, G., Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. Acta congrés
Transfer of sediments and contaminants in catchments and rivers 2017 López-Tarazón, J.A., Byrne, P., Van der Perk, M. Editor llibre d'investigació
Hydro-geomorphological features of the Braunsbach flood 2016. Type of presentation: 2017 Ozturk, U., Wendi, D., Riemer, A., Agarwal, A., Crisologo, I., López-Tarazón, J.A., Korup, O. Acta congrés
Bed disturbance below dams: observations from two Mediterranean rivers 2017 Lobera, G.; Andrés-Domenech, I.; López-Tarazón, J.A.,; Millán-Romero, P.; Vallés, F.; Vericat, D.; Batalla, R.J. Article d'investigació
Sediment size distribution and composition in a reservoir affected by severe water level fluctuations 2016 López, P.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Casas-Ruiz, J.P.; Pompeo, M.; Ordoñez, J.; Muñoz, I. Article d'investigació
Suspended sediment, carbon and nitrogen transport in two impounded mountainous rivers 2016 López-Tarazón, J.A.; López, P.;Lobera, G.; Batalla, R.J. Acta congrés
Wildfire Effects on Suspended Sediment Delivery Quantified Using Fallout Radionuclide Tracers in a Mediterranean Catchment 2016 Estrany, J.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Smith, H. Article d'investigació
A Hydro-geomorphological Disaster: Braunsbach Flood 2016 2016 Wendi, D., Öztürk, U., Riemer, A., Agarwal, A., Crisologo, I., Hahn, I., López-Tarazón, J.A., Korup, O. Acta congrés
Suspended sediment, carbon and nitrogen transport in a regulated Pyrenean river 2016 López-Tarazón JA, López P, Lobera G, Batalla RJ. Article d'investigació
Sediment transport in two mediterranean regulated rivers 2016 Lobera G, Batalla RJ, Vericat D, López-Tarazón JA, Tena A. Article d'investigació
The impact of a small weir on flood risk modelling and management 2016 Bulcock, A.; Whitfield, E.; López-Tarazón, J.A.;Whitfield, R.G.; Byrne, P Acta congrés
A geomorphic-geochemical framework for quantifying the cycling of sediment-associated contaminants in fluvial systems. 2016 Byrne, P.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Williams, R. Acta congrés
A framework for multi-criteria assessment of model enhancements. 2016 Francke, T.; Foerster, S.; Brosinsky, A.; Delgado, J.; Güntner, A.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Bronstert, A. Acta congrés
Suspended sediment transport in two mediterranean impounded rivers. 2016 Lobera, G.; Batalla, R.J.; Vericat, D.;López-Tarazón, J.A.; Tena, A. Acta congrés
Stakeholder analysis of perceived relevance of connectivity - the implication to your research 2016 Smetanova, A.; Müller, E.N.; Fernández-Getino, A.P.; Marqués, M.J.; Vericat, D.;Dugodan, R.; Kapovic, M.; Ljusa, M.; Ferreira, C.S.; Cavalli, M.; Marttila, H.; Lucas Broja, M.E.; Święchowicz Acta congrés
Medición de procesos hidrosedimentarios 2016 López-Tarazón, J.A.; Tena, A. Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Invertebrate drift during in-channel gravel mining: the Upper River Cinca (Southern Pyrenees). 2015 Béjar, M.; Gibbins, C.;Vericat, D.; Batalla, R.J.; Muñoz, E.; Ramos, E.; Lobera, G.; López-Tarazón, J.A.;Piqué, G.; Tena, A.; Buendía, C.; Rennie, C.D. Acta congrés
Effects of global change on hydro-geomorphological hazards in Mediterranean rivers. 2015 López-Tarazón, J.A. Acta congrés
A catchment-integrated approach to determine the importance of secondary sources of contaminated sediment 2015 López-Tarazón, J.A.; Byrne, P.; Mullan, D.; Smith, H.G. Acta congrés
Suspended sediment transport during in-channel gravel mining: spatial and temporal dynamics 2015 Tena, A.; Béjar, M.; Muñoz, E.; Ramos, E.; Lobera, G.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Gibbins, C.; Batalla, R.J.; Piqué, G.; Vericat, D. Acta congrés
Do weirs influence a river's hydrosedimentological response to flood events? 2015 Bulcock, A.; Whitfield, E.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Whitfield, R.G. Acta congrés
Bed disturbance patterns in two mediterranean impounded rivers. 2015 Lobera, G.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Vericat, D.; Batalla, R.J.; Andrés-Doménech, I.; Millán-Romero, P.; Vallés, F. Acta congrés
Geomorphic status of regulated rivers in the Iberian Peninsula 2015 Lobera G, Besné P, Vericat D, Lopez-Tarazon JA, Tena A, Aristi I, Díez JR, Ibisate A, Larrañaga A, Elosegi A, Batalla RJ. Article d'investigació
Think-Tank meeting WG2, Measurement Approaches 2015 Brazier, R.; Vericat, D.; Cerdà, A.; Brardinoni, F.; Batalla, R.J.; Masselink, R.; Wittenberg, L.; Nadal-Romero, E.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Estrany, J.; Blake, W.; Keesstra, S. Informes de recerca
Think-Tank meeting WG5, Communicating Connectivity 2015 Mueller, E.N.; Maynard, C.; Parsons, A.; Hochstrasser, T.; Smetanova, A.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Krüger, T.; Bronstert, A.; Schwanghart, W.; Welp, M.; Piquer-Rodríguez, M.; García-Márquez, J.R. Informes de recerca
Can we measure connectivity? 2015 Brazier, R;, Vericat, D.; Cerdà, A.;Brardinoni, F.; Batalla, R.J.; Masselink, R.; Wittenberg, L.; Nadal-Romero, E.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Estrany, J.; Blake, W.; Keesstra, S. Acta congrés
Wildfire effects on suspended sediment delivery quantified using fallout radionuclide tracers in a Mediterranean catchment 2015 Estrany, J.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Smith, H.G. Article d'investigació
Effects of gravel mining over the morpho-sedimentological characteristics and river dynamics in the Ésera river (Aragon Pyrenees) 2014 Llena, M.; Lobera, G.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Palau, A.; Vericat, D. Acta congrés
Coupling channel morphology and ecological diversity in a gravel bed river: MorphSed conceptual approach and experimental design 2014 Vericat, D.; Batalla, R.J.; Gibbins, C.N.; Brasington, J.; Tena, A.; Béjar, M.; Muñoz-Narciso, E.; Ramos, E.; Lobera, G.; Buendía, C.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Smith, M.; Wheaton, J.; López, R.; Verdú, J. Acta congrés
Mitigation for geomorphological interest on Dungeness, Romney Marsh and Rye Bay SSSI 2014 Kirby, J.R.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Plater, A.J. Document científic-tècnic
Effects of bed disturbance on invertebrate communities. Research design and preliminary results 2014 Lobera, G.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Muñoz, I.; Vericat, D.; Batalla, R.J. Acta congrés
The morphosedimentological evolution of a gravel-bed river to different magnitude flood events: The Ésera River (Aragon Pyrenees) 2014 Palau, A.; Lobera, G.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Llena, M.; Vericat, D. Acta congrés
Effects of river regulation in bed mobility and invertebrate communities 2014 Lobera, G.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Muñoz, I.; Vericat, D.; Batalla, R.J. Acta congrés
Effects of flow regulation on the Geomorphic Status of rivers in Spain 2014 Lobera, G.; Besné, P.; Vericat, D.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Tena, A; Aristi, I.; Díez, J.R.; Ibisate, A.; Larrañaga, A.; Elosegi, A.; Batalla, R.J. Acta congrés
Process-based modelling of erosion, sediment transport and reservoir siltation in mesoscale semi-arid catchments 2014 Bronstert, A.; de Araújo, J.C.; Batalla, R.J.; Costa, A.C.; Delgado, J.M.; Francke, T.; Foerster, S.; Guentner, A.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Mamede, G.L.; Medeiros, P.H.; Mueller, E.; Vericat, D. Article d'investigació
Modelling the impact of climate change on sediment yield in a highly erodible Mediterranean catchment 2014 Bussi G, Francés F, Horel E, López-Tarazón JA, Batalla RJ. Article d'investigació
Variability of in-channel sediment storage in a river draining highly erodible areas (The Isábena, Ebro basin). 2014 PIQUÉ, G., LÓPEZ-TARAZÓN, J.A., BATALLA, R.J. Article d'investigació
Dominant discharges in a highly active Pyrenean river 2014 LÓPEZ-TARAZÓN J.A., BATALLA, R.J. Article d'investigació
Spectral fingerprinting: characterizing suspended sediment sources by the use of VNIR-SWIR spectral information 2014 Brosinsky, A.; Foerster, S.; Segl, K.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Piqué, G.; Bronstert, A. Article d'investigació
Analysis of runoff, sediment dynamics and sediment yield of subcatchments in the highly erodible Isabena catchment, Central Pyrenees 2014 Francke, T.; Werb, S.; Sommerer, E.; López-Tarazón, J.A Article d'investigació
Mitigation for geomorphological interest on Dungeness, Romney Marsh and Rye Bay SSSI 2014 Kirby, J.R.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Plater, A.J. Document científic-tècnic
A chemical determination of the sediment fluxes at the Barasona reservoir 2013 López-Tarazón, J.A.; López-Laseras, P.; Vericat, D.; Muñoz, I.; Batalla, R.J. Acta congrés
Variability of in-channel sediment storage in a highly active mountainous catchment (the River Isábena, Ebro basin) 2013 Piqué, G.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Batalla, R.J. Acta congrés
Scenario simulations based on hydraulic and sediment transport modelling. 2013 Tena, A; Lobera, G; Andrés-Doménech, I; Martínez-Capel, F; Muñoz-Mas, López-Tarazón, JA; R; Vallés, F; Vericat, D; Batalla, RJ. Document científic-tècnic
Efectos de una extracción de gravas sobre la geomorfología y la hidráulica (Perarrúa, río Ésera) 2013 López-Tarazón, J.A.; Lobera, G.; Millán-Romero, P.; Andrés-Doménech, I.; Vallés, F.; Vericat, D.; Batalla, R.J. Acta congrés
Assessment of water and suspended sediment fluxes at the Isábena catchment (Ebro basin) 2013 López-Tarazón, J.A.; Batalla, R.J.; Vericat, D. Acta congrés
Development and implementation of an index of morphosedimentary change to the study sites 2013 López-Tarazón, J.A.; Lobera, G.; Batalla, R.J.; Vericat, D. Document científic-tècnic
Modelling sediment yield of a highly erodible catchment based on reservoir siltation volumes 2013 Bussi, G.; Francés, F.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Batalla, R.J. Acta congrés
Study of the sediment sources and fine-sediment storage in the Isábena River basin 2013 López-Tarazón, J.A.; Estrany, J.; Smith, H. Acta congrés
Process-based modelling of erosion, sediment transport and reservoir siltation in semi-arid catchments 2013 Bronstert, A.; de Araújo, J.C.; Batalla, R.J.; Costa, A.; Delgado, J.; Francke, T.; Förster, S.; Güntner, A.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Mamede, G.; Medeiros, P.H.; Müller, E.N.; Vericat, D. Acta congrés
Efectos de una extracción de gravas sobre la geomorfología y la hidráulica (Perarrúa, río Ésera) 2013 López-Tarazón, J.A.; Lobera, G.; Millán-Romero, P.; Andrés-Doménech, I.; Vallés, F.; Vericat, D.; Batalla, R.J. Acta congrés
Analysis of climate change effects on water and sediment cycle in a Mediterranean catchment 2013 Bussi, G.; Francés, F.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Batalla, R.J. Acta congrés
Balance de sedimentos en una cuenca altamente dinámica: el río Isábena 2012 López-Tarazón, J.A.; Batalla, R.J.; Vericat, D. Acta congrés
Estudio de las fuentes de sedimento y el almacenamiento de sedimento fino en la cuenca del río Isábena 2012 López-Tarazón, J.A.; Estrany, J.; Smith, H. Acta congrés
Monitoring topographic change in highly erodible landscapes by means of terrestrial laser scanning 2012 Vericat, D.; Smith, M.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Tena, A.; Brasington, J.; Batalla, R.J. Acta congrés
Channel morphodynamics and habitat recovery in a river reach affected by gravel mining (River Ésera, Ebro basin) 2012 López-Tarazón, J.A.; Lobera, G.; Andrés-Doménech, I.; Martínez-Capel, F.; Muñoz-Mas, R.; Vallés, F.; Tena, A.; Vericat, D.; Batalla, R.J. Acta congrés
Efectos de una extracción severa de gravas sobre la geomorfología, la movilidad del lecho y la distribución de hábitats en el río Ésera. 2012 Lobera G; López-Tarazón JA; Batalla, RJ; Vericat, D Acta congrés
2D hydraulic modelling of alluvial rivers in the Pyrenees (Spain) 2012 Millán-Romero, P.; Nácher Rodríguez, B.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Lobera, G.; Vallés Morán, F.J.; Andrés-Doménech, I. Acta congrés
Effects of gravel-mining over morphology, hydraulics and habitats distribution in the Ésera River (Ebro basin) 2012 López-Tarazón, J.A.; Lobera, G.; Andrés-Doménech, I.; Martínez-Capel, F.; Muñoz-Mas, R.; Vallés, F.; Tena, A.; Vericat, D.; Batalla, R.J. Acta congrés
Acumulación de sedimento fino en el lecho del río Isábena. Repercusión sobre el balance de sedimentos 2012 Piqué, G.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Batalla, R.J. Acta congrés
Aplicación de técnicas avanzadas en geomática para el estudio de la dinámica sedimentaria en cárcavas del pre-Pirineo Aragonés 2012 Vericat, D.; Smith, M.; López-Tarazón, J.A.; Tena, A.; Brasington, J.; Batalla, R.J. Acta congrés
New database including sediment transport, channel sediment structure and physical habitat characteristics obtained by means of state of the art sampling, measurement and modelling techniques. Data tr 2012 López-Tarazón, JA; Lobera, G; Andrés-Doménech, I; Martínez-Capel, F; Muñoz-Mas, R; Tena, A; Vallés, F; Vericat, D; Batalla, RJ. Document científic-tècnic
Monitoring of morpho-sedimentological variables, bed-mobility and sediment transport. Field survey protocol. 2012 López-Tarazón, JA; Lobera, G; Andrés-Doménech, I; Martínez-Capel, F; Muñoz-Mas, R; Tena, A; Vallés, F; Vericat, D; Batalla, RJ. Document científic-tècnic
The sediment budget of a highly dynamic mesoscale catchment: The River Isabena 2012 López-Tarazón JA, Batalla RJ, Vericat D, Francke T. Article d'investigació
Acumulación de sedimentos finos en el lecho del río Isábena: efectos sobre el transporte y la dinámica sedimentaria 2011 López-Tarazón, J.A.; Tena, A.; Vericat, D., Batalla, R.J. Article d'investigació
An integrated sampling design to study the combined effects of regulation and Mediterraneity on fluvial dynamics 2011 Lobera G; López-Tarazón JA; Tena A; Andrés I; Martínez-Capel F; Muñoz-Mas R; Vallés F; Aristi I; Díez JR; Elosegui A; Flores L; Ibisate A; Vericat D; Batalla RJ Acta congrés
Suspended sediment dynamics in a large regulated river over a 10-year period (the lower Ebro, NE Iberian Peninsula) 2011 Tena, A.; Batalla, R.J.; Vericat, D.; López-Tarazón, J.A. Article d'investigació
In-channel sediment storage in a highly erodible catchment: the River Isabena (Ebro Basin, Southern Pyrenees) 2011 López-Tarazón JA, Batalla RJ, Vericat D. Article d'investigació
Sampling strategy and chemical analysis of sedimetns in the Barasona reservois. Proposal for collaboration between WP3 and WP5 2011 Batalla RJ, Vericat D, López-Tarazón JA, López P, Muñoz I. Document científic-tècnic
Monitoring reaches. Proposal for WP3 in collaboration with WP5 2011 Batalla RJ, Vericat D, López-Tarazón JA, Tena A, Lobera G. Document científic-tècnic
Operating sediment tranport and sedimentological network 2011 Batalla RJ; Vericat D; López-Tarazón JA; Tena A; Lobera G Document científic-tècnic
Operating sediment transport and sedimentological network 2011 Batalla RJ; Vericat D; López-Tarazón JA; Tena A; Lobera G Document científic-tècnic
Influence of Naturally High Fine Sediment Loads on Aquatic Insect Larvae in a Montane River 2011 Buendía C, Gibbins CN, Vericat D, López-Tarazón JA, Batalla RJ. Article d'investigació
Preliminary analysis of sediment fluxes at the Barasona Reservoir 2011 López-Tarazón JA; López P; Vericat D; Muñoz I; Batalla RJ Acta congrés
Applying monitoring and modelling techniques to study sediment transport dynamics in a mesoscale catchment 2011 López-Tarazón JA; Batalla RJ; Vericat D; Francke T Acta congrés
Influence of Naturally High Fine Sediment Loads on Aquatic Insect Larvae in a Montane River 2011 Buendía C, Gibbins CN, Vericat D, López-Tarazón JA, Batalla RJ. Article d'investigació
Rainfall, runoff and sediment transport relations in a mesoscale mountainous catchment: The River Isábena (Ebro basin) 2010 López-Tarazón JA, Batalla RJ, Vericat D, Balasch JC. Article d'investigació
Acumulación de sedimento en suspensión en el canal río Isábena (cuenca del Ebro). 2010 López-Tarazón JA, Batalla RJ, Vericat D, Tena, A. Acta congrés
Relations between the rainfall and the hydrological and geomorphological response in the Isábena basin. 2010 López-Tarazón JA, Batalla RJ, Vericat D, Balasch, JC. Acta congrés
Effects of fine sediment on invertebrate communities in the River Isábena 2010 Buendía C; Gibbins C; Vericat D; López-Tarazon JA; Batalla RJ. Acta congrés
Bio-geomorphic characterization of mediterranean rivers. A methodological approach. 2010 Lobera G; Andrés I; Díez JR; Elosegi A; Ibisate A; López-Tarazón JA; Martínez-Capel F; Muñoz-Mas R; Tena A; Vallés F; Vericat D; Batalla RJ Acta congrés
Influence of naturally high fine sediment load son benthic invertebrates in a Pyrenean river 2010 Buendía C; Gibbins CN; Vericat D; López-Tarazón JA; Batalla RJ Acta congrés
Integrated observation and modelling of runoff and sediments across different compartments of semi-arid catchments and channel networks 2010 Bronstert A; Batalla RJ; de Araújo JC; Cunha da Costa A; Francke T; Güntner A; López-Tarazón JA; Mamede G; Müller EN Acta congrés
Balance de sedimentos en el tramo bajo del Ebro para el periodo 1998-2008. 2010 Tena A, Batalla RJ, Vericat D, López-Tarazón JA. Acta congrés
Transporte de sedimentos en suspensión en la cuenca del río Isábena (Pirineo Central) 2009 López-Tarazón JA; Batalla RJ; Vericat D Acta congrés
Suspended sediment transport in a highly erodible catchment: the River Isábena (Central Pyrenees). 2009 López-Tarazón, JA; Batalla, R.J.; Vericat, D.; Francke, T. Article d'investigació
Assessing reservoir siltation by means of sediment budget techniques 2009 López-Tarazón JA; Francke T; Mamede G Acta congrés
Three-year sediment transport in a highly erodible catchment: The River Isábena (Ebro Basin, Southern Pyrenees). 2009 López-Tarazón JA; Batalla RJ; Vericat D Acta congrés
A tentative 10-year sediment budget of the lower River Ebro (NE Iberian Peninsula) 2009 Tena A; Batalla RJ; Vericat D; López-Tarazón JA Acta congrés
Temporal variability of sediment load in a highly erodible Mediterranean mountainous catchment (The River Isabena, Southern Pyrenees) 2008 López-Tarazón JA; Batalla RJ; Vericat D Acta congrés
Assessment of sediment yield and reservoir siltation using non-parametric regression and numerical modelling 2008 Francke T; Mamede G; López-Tarazón JA; Batalla RJ Acta congrés
Flood-based analysis of high-magnitude sediment transport using a non-parametric method 2008 Francke T, López-Tarazón JA, Vericat D, Bronstert A, Batalla RJ. Article d'investigació
Flood-based analysis of high-magnitude sediment transport using a non-parametric method 2008 Francke T, López-Tarazón JA, Vericat D, Bronstert A, Batalla RJ. Article d'investigació
Dinámica del transporte de sedimento en una cuenca altamente erosiva (río Isábena, Pre-Pirineo) 2008 López-Tarazón, J.A., Batalla, R.J., Vericat, D. Acta congrés
Estimation of suspended sediment concentration and yield using linear models, random forests and quantile regression forests 2008 Francke T, López-Tarazón J.A, Schröder B. Article d'investigació
Estimation of suspended sediment concentration and yield using linear models, random forests and quantile regression forests 2008 Francke T, López-Tarazón J.A, Schröder B. Article d'investigació
Caracterización granulométrica del lecho y análisis de la competencia para el transporte de sedimentos en la cabecera de los ríos Nere y Noguera Ribagorzana. 2007 Batalla, R.J. Document científic-tècnic