Academic profile: Doctorate


Teaching Course Subject
MU en Plant Genetics, Genomics and Breeding 1 AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS AND PLANT BREEDING
MU en Plant Genetics, Genomics and Breeding 1 APPLIED BREEDING PROGRAMMES
MU en Plant Genetics, Genomics and Breeding 1 BIOINFORMATICS
MU en Plant Genetics, Genomics and Breeding 1 BREEDING METHODS AND VARIETY DEVELOPMENT
MU en Plant Genetics, Genomics and Breeding 1 MARKER ENABLED PREDICTION AND SELECTION
MU en Plant Genetics, Genomics and Breeding 1 PHENOMICS AND ANALYSIS OF OMICS DATA
MU en Plant Genetics, Genomics and Breeding 1 PLANT GENETICS
MU en Plant Genetics, Genomics and Breeding 1 STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS
Master's Degree in Integrated Pest Management 1 DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS AND DATA ANALYSIS
Màster Universitari en Enginyeria Agronòmica (inter) (R 2019) 1 BIOTECHNOLOGY AND PLANT AND ANIMAL BREEDING
Doble titulació: G. Enginyeria Forestal i G. Conservació de la Natura 1 BIOLOGY AND FOREST GENETICS
Degree in Forest Engineering 1 BIOLOGY AND FOREST GENETICS
MU en Plant Genetics, Genomics and Breeding 2 MASTER THESIS
MU en Plant Genetics, Genomics and Breeding 2 PRACTICUM ON PLANT BREEDING


Thesis Year Direction
Assessment of genomic and high-throughput phenotyping tools in a diversity panel of Mediterranean landraces and cultivars for wheat breeding under rainfed environments 2021 Soriano Soriano, Jose Miguel; Bellvert Rios, Joaquim
New insights to durum wheat breeding in the genomics era through the exploration of a diversity panel of Mediterranean landraces. 2019 Soriano Soriano, Jose Miguel; Royo Calpe, Conxita
Publications Year Authors Type
Genetic variability for end-use quality proteins in a collection of bread wheat Mediterranean landraces 2024 Yannam, VRR; Soriano, JM; Chozas, A; Guzmán, C; Lopes, MS; Giraldo, P Article d'investigació
High-throughput phenotyping using hyperspectral indicators supports the genetic dissection of yield in durum wheat grown under heat and drought stress 2024 Mérida-García, R; Gálvez, S; Solís, I; Martínez-Moreno, F; Camino, C; Soriano, JM; Sansaloni, C; Ammar, K; Bentley, AR; Gonzalez-Dugo, V; Zarco-Tejada, PJ; Hernandez, P Article d'investigació
Los marcadores moleculares en la mejora genética 2023 Soriano, JM; Rufo, R Article en revista divulgativa
Gadaleta, A; Soriano, JM 2023 New breeding technologies in grasses Ressenya
Improving in-season wheat yield prediction using remote sensing and additional agronomic traits as predictors 2023 Gracia-Romero, A; Rufo, R; Gómez-Candón, D; Soriano, JM; Bellvert, J; Yannam, VRR; Gulino, D; Lopes, MS Article d'investigació
Discovering loci for breeding prospective and phenology in wheat Mediterranean landraces by environmental and eigenGWAS 2023 Yannam, VRR; Rufo, R; Marcotuli, I; Gadaleta, A; Lopes, MS; Soriano, JM Article d'investigació
Uncovering the genetic basis for quality traits in the Mediterranean old wheat germplasm and phenotypic and genomic prediction assessment by cross-validation test 2023 Yannam, VRR; Lopes, MS; Guzmán, C; Soriano, JM Article d'investigació
A consensus map for quality traits in durum wheat based on genome-wide association studies and detection of ortho-meta QTL across cereal species. 2022 Marcotuli, I; Soriano, JM; Gadaleta A Article d'investigació
Are the agronomic performance and grain quality characteristics of bread wheat Mediterranean landraces related to the climate prevalent in their area of origin? 2022 Royo, C; Soriano, JM; Rufo, R; Guzmán C Article d'investigació
From genetic maps to QTL cloning: an overview for durum wheat 2021 Colasuonno, P; Marcotuli, I; Gadaleta, A; Soriano, J.M Article d'investigació
Unravelling consensus genomic regions conferring leaf rust resistance in wheat via meta-QTL analysis 2021 Amo, A; Soriano, JM Article d'investigació
Using unmanned aerial vehicle and ground-based RGB indices to assess agronomic performance of wheat landraces and cultivars in a Mediterranean-type environment 2021 Rufo, R; Soriano, JM; Villegas, D; Royo, C; Bellvert, J Article d'investigació
Meta-QTL analysis and identification of candidate genes for quality, abiotic and biotic stress in durum wheat 2021 Soriano, JM; Colasuonno, P; Marcotuli, I; Gadaleta, A Article d'investigació
Labelling selective sweeps used in durum wheat breeding from a diverse and structured panel of landraces and cultivars 2021 Soriano, JM; Sansaloni, C; Ammar, K; Royo, C Article d'investigació
Identification of quantitative trait loci hotspots affecting agronomic traits and high-throughput vegetation indices in rainfed wheat. 2021 Rufo, R; López, A; Lopes, MS; Bellvert, J; Soriano, JM Article d'investigació
Agronomic, physiological and genetic changes associated with evolution, migration and modern breeding in durum wheat 2021 Royo, C; Ammar, K; Villegas, D; Soriano, JM Article d'investigació
Exploring the Genetic Architecture of Root-Related Traits in Mediterranean Bread Wheat Landraces by Genome-Wide Association Analysis 2020 Rufo, R; Salvi, S; Royo, C; Soriano, JM Article d'investigació
Allelic variation at the vernalization response (Vrn-1) and photoperiod sensitivity (Ppd-1) genes and their association with the development of durum wheat landraces and modern cultivars 2020 Royo, C; Dreisigacker, S; Soriano, JM; Lopes, MS; Ammar, K; Villegas, D Article d'investigació
Molecular Marker Technology for Crop Improvement 2020 Soriano, JM Ressenya
Durum wheat in the Mediterranean Rim: historical evolution and genetic resources 2020 Martínez-Moreno, F; Solís, I; Noguero, D; Blanco, A; Özberk, İ; Nsarellah, N; Elias, E; Mylonas, I; Soriano, JM Article d'investigació
Unravelling the relationship between adaptation pattern and yield formation strategies in Mediterranean durum wheat landraces 2019 Roselló, M; Villegas, D; Alvaro, F; Soriano, JM; Lopes, MS; Nazco, R; Royo, C Article d'investigació
Genetic Dissection of the Seminal Root System Architecture in Mediterranean Durum Wheat Landraces by Genome-Wide Association Study 2019 Rosello, M; Royo, C; Sanchez-Garcia, M; Soriano, JM Article d'investigació
Discovering consensus genomic regions in wheat for root-related traits by QTL meta-analysis 2019 Soriano, JM; Alvaro, F Article d'investigació
From landraces to improved cultivars: Assessment of genetic diversity and population structure of Mediterranean wheat using SNP markers 2019 Rufo, R; Alvaro, F; Royo, C; Soriano, JM Article d'investigació
Pasta-Making quality QTLome from mediterranean durum wheat landraces. 2018 Roselló, M.; Royo, C,; Álvaro, F,; Villegas, D,; Nazco, R,; Soriano, J.M. Article d'investigació
Herramientas en la mejora genética del trigo para afrontar los retos del cambio climático. 2018 Soriano, JM; Royo, C Article en revista divulgativa
Durum wheat landraces from east and west regions of the Mediterranean basin are genetically distinct for yield components and phenology 2018 Soriano, J.M.; Villegas, D.; Sorrells, M.E.; Royo, C. Article d'investigació
Resistencia genética de los cereales de invierno a enfermedades fúngicas: el caso del trigo y la roya amarilla 2017 Soriano JM, Almacellas J Article d'investigació
Dissecting the old Mediterranean durum wheat genetic architecture for phenology, biomass and yield formation by association mapping and QTL meta-analysis 2017 Soriano, J.M.; Malosetti, M.; Roselló, M.; Sorrells, M.E.; Royo, C. Article d'investigació
Genetic structure of modern durum wheat cultivars and Mediterranean landraces matches with their agronomic performance 2016 Soriano, J.M.; Villegas, D.; Aranzana, M.J.; García del Moral, L.F.; Royo, C. Article d'investigació
Yield QTLome distribution correlates with gene density in maize 2016 Martínez, A.K.; Soriano, J.M.; Tuberosa, R.; Koumproglou, R.; Jahrmann, T.; Salvi, S. Article d'investigació
Dissecting the genetic architecture of leaf rust resistance in wheat by QTL meta-analysis 2015 Soriano, J.M.; Royo, C. Article d'investigació
Fine mapping of the gene Rvi18 (V25) for broad-spectrum resistance to apple scab, and development of a linked SSR marker suitable for marker-assisted breeding 2014 Soriano, J.M.; Madhuri, M.; Schaart, J.G.; van der Burgh, A.; van Kaauwen, M.P.W.; Tomic, L.; Groenwold, R.; Velasco, R.; van de Weg, E.; Schouten, H.J. Article d'investigació
Genomic analysis reveals MATH gene(s) as candidate(s) for plum pox virus (PPV) resistance in apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) 2013 Zuriaga, E.; Soriano, J.M.; Zhebentyayeva, T.; Romero, C.; Dardick, C.; Cañizares, J.; Badenes, M.L. Article d'investigació
Differences in acidity of apples are probably mainly caused by a malic acid transporter gene on LG16 2013 Khan, S.A; Beekwilder, J.; Schaart, J.G.; Mumm, R.; Soriano, J.M.; Jacobsen, E.; Schouten, H.J. Article d'investigació
Identification of SSR markers tightly associated with PPV resistance in apricot 2012 Soriano JM; Domingo ML; Zuriaga E; Romero C; Zhebentyayeva T; Abbott AG; Badenes ML Article d'investigació
Narrowing down the apricot Plum pox virus resistance locus and comparative analysis with the peach genome syntenic region 2011 Soriano JM; Vera-Ruiz E; Romero C; Zhebentyayeva T; Terol J; Zuriaga E; Llácer G; Abbott AG; Badenes ML Article d'investigació
Identification and genetic characterization of an ethylene-dependent polygalacturonase from apricot fruit 2011 Leida C; Rios G; Soriano JM; Pérez B; Llácer G; Crisosto CH; Badenes ML Article d'investigació
Development and characterization of microsatellite markers in pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) 2011 Soriano JM; Zuriaga E; Rubio P; Llácer G; Infante R; Badenes ML Article d'investigació
Development of microsatellite markers from loquat, Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. 2009 Gisbert AD; Lopez-Capuz I; Soriano JM; Llácer G; Romero C; Badenes ML Article d'investigació
Approaches for development of cisgenic apples 2009 Joshi S; Soriano JM; Schaart J; Broggini GAL; Szankowski I; Jacobsen E; Krens F; Schouten H Article d'investigació
Identification and mapping of the novel apple scab resistance gene Vd3 2009 Soriano JM; Joshi SG; van Kaauwen M; Noordijk Y; Groenwold R; Henken B; Schouten HJ Article d'investigació
Flanking the major Plum pox virus resistance locus in apricot with co-dominant markers (SSRs) derived from candidate resistance genes 2008 Sicard, O.; Marandel, G.; Soriano, J.M.; Lalli, D.A.; Lambert, P.; Salava, J.; Badenes, M.L.; Abbott, A.; Decroocq, V. Article d'investigació
Identification and mapping of a locus conferring plum pox virus resistance in two apricot-improved linkage maps 2008 Soriano, J.M.; Vera Ruiz, E.M.; Vilanova, S.; Martinez Calvo, J.; Llácer, G.; Badenes, M.L.; Romero, C. Article d'investigació
Development of microsatellite markers in polyploid persimmon (Diospyros kaki Lf) from an enriched genomic library 2006 Soriano, J.M.; Pecchioli, S.; Romero, C.; Vilanova, S.; Llácer, G.; Giordani, E.; Badenes, M.L. Article d'investigació
Development of SSR markers located in the G1 linkage group of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) using a bacterial artificial chromosome library 2006 Vilanova, S.; Soriano, J.M.; Lalli, D.A.; Romero, C.; Llácer, G.; Abbott, A.; Badenes, M.L. Article d'investigació
Genetic diversity of loquat germplasm (Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb) Lindl) assessed by SSR markers 2005 Soriano, J.M.; Romero, C.; Vilanova, S.; Llácer, G.; Badenes, M.L. Article d'investigació
Characterization and mapping of NBS-LRR resistance gene analogs in apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) 2005 Soriano, J.M.; Vilanova, S.; Romero, C.; Llácer, G.; Badenes, M.L. Article d'investigació